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Value + Expectation = Motivation

ChoicesGraphThere's two types of motivation. 

1) Extrinisic motivation

2) Intrinsic motivation

Below is a brief explanation of the 2 types.  Can you identify which type you are (or aren't) tapping into to stay energized and achieve your health goals?

Extrinsic motivation is to engage in an activity as a means to an end. Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes such as reward, recognition or avoidance of punishment.

Outcomes that come from Extrinisic Motivation...

  • Money
  • Power
  • Promotions
  • Recognition as top performer
  • Praise and/or Approval from others

Intrinsic Motivation is choosing to do an activity for no compelling reason beyond the satisfaction derived from the activity itself. It's what motivates us to do something when we don't have to do anything. 

Experiences that come from Intrinsic Motivation... 

  • Autonomy: Feeling in control of one's life & choices
  • Belonging: Feeling connected to others in a positive way
  • Competence: Feeling capable of success
  • Dreams: Feeling a strong desire to bring about a great and future accomplishment

4 Failures + 1 Success = History and Legacy

Looking dazed and sunburned, U.S. endurance swimmer Diana Nyad walked on to the Key West shore Monday, becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the help of a shark cage. The most interesting parts of her story are the following...

1. She was 62 yrs old (age is just a number when it comes to living your dreams if you're "living well")

2. She failed 4 times previously but did not give up. The conditions improved to allow her to succeed. (sometimes the "storms of life" cause us to fail but if we don't give up the season will change in our favor)

3. She trained relentlessly in pursuit of her dream/goal and hit the Florida shore exhausted (it take all we got to be successful)

4. She had a dynamic support team who encouraged her and prepared her to make history

Click here to read full story and watch video interview

Financial Wellness: Tips to Increase Savings, Budget Basics and Debt Reduction Strategies!


Financial Wellness: Tips to Increase Savings, Budget Basics and Debt Reduction Strategies! from David Bush on Vimeo.

The secret to winning with debt is living on less than you earn and snowballing debt until it's eliminated.  During this video participants you'll gain expert tips and strategies to immediately experience success with getting out of debt and learn how to stay out with simple budgeting and savings strategies and tools.

Justin Bennett, Financial Coach, Debt Elimination Expert and Savings Superhero, brings 13 years of experience when it comes to helping people with their finances.  He will show you what it takes to get out of debt, live on a realistic budget and save for the future (without selling you any financial products).

Here's the top 3 areas we'll cover during this educational video:

1. Savings – Discover the motivation for improving your overall financial health.   After this video you will be able to determine how to save for emergencies and other future expenses without feeling like you're missing the money out of your paycheck

2. Budgeting and Developing a Spending Plan -  Learn how to set up a workable budget and basic spending plan that is practical and easy to maintain/track.

3. Accountability – You will identify secret strategies and tools to hold you accountable to the spending plan you create.