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The Push

12 Laughs a Day Equals Extraordinary Health

FunnyI hope your summer has been filled with fun and laughter as studies show each of us needs 12 laughs a day to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. If you've been going through a tough season of life and life has been tough on you, take some time to read a book, watch a humorous movie (see a short and funny movie of notable quotes here and enjoy a few laughs.

My dad used to remind me "Sometimes you've got to laugh just to keep from crying." Here's 8 helpful tips guaranteed to help you meet your quota of 12 laughs a day...

1. Play a practical joke on a friend or family member (beware of paybacks!)

2. Leave a wacky voicemail for a family member or friend.

3. Look in the mirror, make a wacky face and end it with a smile.

4. Have a staring contest with a child

5. Sit at a park or crowded mall and people watch.

6. Watch viral videos on the

7. Smile at people when you walk by them and watch them return the favor to brighten your day.

8. Walk past someone and as you pass by say "Hi Five!" with your hand in the error (I just laughed at that one when I wrote it).

Pick out a couple ideas and get to work on enjoying this crazy world we live in!


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