What is Extraordinary Health?
Extraordinary Coach and Motivational Speaker

Extraordinary Health Coaching Program

Building a Healthy Body

Without a healthy body we are limited in what we can BE, DO and HAVE in life. Our Health Coaching Program combines the following three components to help clients lose weight quickly and achieve extraordinary health...

284Wx284H-HabitsHealthSystemKit-Product1) Personal Health Coach to teach you the Habits of Health
2) Habits of Health Coaching System (book, workbook and dvd)
3) Bio-Network of Support including fast and convenient meal plans and portion controlled meal replacements (if applicable) and access to a team of health experts (i.e. doctors, nurses, dieticians, personal trainers, etc.).

Click here to learn more 

* Individual results will vary. Consult your physician before starting any weight loss program.

Our coaching program has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors over the last 30 years because of its effective methodology and simple "goof proof" model. Clients do not have to count points, calories or participate in lengthy, rigorous exercise programs to lose weight and improve their health.

Clients simply learn healthy habits inside of a nutritional training program leveraging a balance of delicious pre-packaged, grab and go portion controlled meals and healthy meals made at home or in a restaurant along with the guidance and support of a certified health coach.

The safe weight loss formula and nutrition management system we use inside our coaching program has been developed from over three decades of documented medical research and it is the premier nutritional program in the country.

4 E's Healthy Body Action Plan...


We begin by determining your Body Mass Index and then establish a healthy body weight goal. A BMI of 25 or below is considered healthy but not all clients have the same body composition so we use this tool as a guide to help clients structure their goal(s). After the client has created their goal(s), we then help them develop a list of reasons on why they want to achieve their goal(s). 

This list of benefits is reviewed daily by the client to help them gain perspective on all reasons why they have to pursue extraordinary health and to encourage them to stay on track. Our coaches also use this list during regularly scheduled coaching calls to hold clients accountable and to remind them of why building a healthy body is important to them.


Phase One: Weight Loss

The Weight Loss Phase is designed to safely create a gap between the calories you take in and the calories your body burns naturally. There's no counting calories and no cooking complicated meals... it's easy to follow and the average weight loss is up to 2-5 lbs per week or 20 lbs in 1 month!*

*Individual results will vary.  Typical weight loss on the program is up to 2-5 lbs per week for the first 2 weeks and 1-2 lbs per week thereafter.

Phase Two: Transition/Equilibration

Once a client achieves a healthy body weight we coach them to adopt life long healthy eating habits to help them maintain their weight and pursue extraordinary health. Clients slowly increase their caloric intake and transition back into larger portion sizes over time based on activity level.


An active lifestyle and regular exercise is a key component to building a health body because it increases metabolism, provides greater flexibility and strength, improves bone structure and posture, enhances mental clarity, and strengthens the immune system. We help you develop an active living and exercise plan that meets you where you're at and progresses you naturally to higher levels of activity and intensity over time.

Phase Three: Optimization


Because so many of our eating and exercise habits depend on our energy levels we coach our clients to improve their time management skills, quality and quantity of sleep or rest, and their ability to manage and decrease the stress in their life. Simple healthy habits repeated daily over time will lead to healthier eating and exercise choices and assist a client to build a healthy body and sustain long term success.

Learn more by calling 951-757-5103 or email us at [email protected]!

More than just a diet and weight loss program...

Developing a Healthy Mind

In phase III and IV of the coaching program clients begin receiving coaching on how to develop a healthier mind and a more positive perspective on their future. Because they now have a "can-do" mindset because of their weight loss success they are challenged to pursue more of their life goals and dreams!

A healthy mind includes having a clear sense of purpose in life and an optimistic attitude about what's possible. We coach our clients to develop a personal mission statement and life plan that defines what it is that they want to BE, DO and HAVE in life. This life planning and personal development process gives clients the focus, balance and direction they need to help them to achieve a successful and significant life.

Creating a Healthy Financial Life

Because so much of our health is based upon managing stress and emotions, we coach each client to take the simple steps to organize and accumulate the necessary financial resources to fulfill their life's dreams and goals. While our coaches don't act as financial planners or advisers, they do provide simple steps and practical principles to help clients move from where they are now to wherever they want to go. Through the pursuit of financial peace of mind, our coaching clients reduce the stress in their life and close the gap on their life's dreams to achieve extraordinary health.

To learn more about our coaching programs and/or to schedule a complimentary Health Coaching Session, please call 951-757-5103 or email [email protected] today!

Click here to learn more specific details about our Extraordinary Health Coaching Program