The Crazy Ones, Rebels, Misfits, and Troublemakers
I once heard the statement that "if you don't fit in with the flock you might just be an eagle". I believe we're all world changers deep down inside it's just that leaders take action on the ideas and make the rest of us adjust. Often times when I was younger I was labeled as being a rebel or trouble maker as I didn't like the rules of the "establishment" (I'm getting on a soap box so look out). I liked to do things differently and this ability to be different in the way I do things has helped me succeed in ways others have not.
I don't know why I want to do things differently or why I have such as passion for change and growth as I've questioned myself about this when the consequences of not "Playing by the Rules" came about. After watching the Apple Commecial (see video above) it reminded me that it's okay to think differently and I hope this video reminded you (as it did me) that when no one agrees with what you're doing you may just be on to something!
Here's a Quick Dream Tip: Following a dream has both risks and rewards and often time the "risks" mean everything we've got (mentally, physically, relationally, spiritually, etc.). I have not found anyone in my life who has achieved something supremely significant in their life and realized their life's dream(s) until they were okay with paying the price and making significant sacrifices to get there. Now don't take this as a ticket to quit your day job and say I told you to "pay the price" but you have to step back and ask yourself "Am I willing to sacrifice what I have now (or what I could have in the near future) for the achievement of my dream(s)?" Until you're able to say yes I don't think you'll ever experience the kind of success you'd like to achieve in realizing your dream(s). Stay motivated and keep dreaming!