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Jim Rohn has been a great mentor/coach

I've listened to countless hours of motivational speakers, sales trainers and other inspirational speeches but none has ever compared to Jim Rohn's story about the "Seasons of Life" (see excerpt below). I often recommend to my coaching clients that they should buy and listen to everything Jim Rohn has ever produced.  Yes.  He's that good.  He's not overly animated and salesy as most motivational speakers.  He speaks common sense principles in a unique way and he has changed the lives of many (including me and Tony Robbins to name a few). 

I consider Jim Rohn my mentor as he helped me to shape my personal philosophy based on the coaching he has provided to me via CD/DVD. Just a few weeks ago I recently completed a dream in my eLife Plan where I had set out to meet Jim in person.  I flew down to Dallas, Texas and stood in a long line like many others simply to say "Thank You".  I'm sure he's gotten used to this type of thing but for me it was quite unique.  He's 77 years old and still speaking because he has a passion to help others.  My hope is that if I live to 77 I have a long line of individuals who wish to say thank you to me for sharing some of these same stories Jim Rohn shared with me.

Below is excerpt from Jim's "Seasons of Life" CD.  I hope it has the same life changing effect for you that it had on me...

The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn

As I travel around the country and world lecturing, one of the most frequently asked questions is what do I expect to happen over the next 6-12 months and/or even years? Well, I'm no expert, but I can share with you my thoughts. Whether it is preparing for the next few months or the next several years, I still believe there are overriding principals that we should follow and be led by. So I'd like to devote today's message to my view of the period of history we're in now and how it relates to words I wrote over 20 years ago in my book, "The Seasons Of Life". Forgive me in advance if I sound a bit philosophical, but as you know by now, I do believe your philosophy is critical to your life's success.

Life is about constant, predictable patterns of change. For the six thousand years of recorded history, as humans have entered this world, received parental instruction, classroom instruction, and gathered the experience of life; many have set for themselves ambitious goals, and dreamed lofty dreams. As the wheel of life continues its constant turning, all human emotions appear, disappear, and appear once again.

A major challenge faced by us all is that we must learn to experience the changing of life's cycles without being changed by them; to make a constant and conscious effort to improve ourselves in the face of changing circumstances.

That is why I believe in the power and value of attitude. As I read, ponder and speculate about people, their deeds and their destiny, I become more deeply convinced that it is our natural destiny to grow, to succeed, to prosper, and to find happiness while we are here.

By our attitude, we decide to read, or not to read. By our attitude, we decide to try or give up. By our attitude, we blame ourselves for our failure, or we blame others. Our attitude determines whether we tell the truth or lie, act or procrastinate, advance or recede, and by our own attitude we and we alone actually decide whether to succeed or fail.

How incredibly unique that a God who would create the complex and immense universe would create the human race and give to those humans the free choice that would permit them to select their own achievement or their own destruction.

This strange, but all-knowing God gave to us a delicately balanced sphere called earth. On it, he placed the intelligent human who would either develop it or destroy it. How terribly fascinating that a God would leave both projects - earth as well as humans - unfinished! Across the rivers and streams he built no bridges; he left the pictures unpainted, the songs unsung, the books unwritten, and space unexplored. For the accomplishment of those things, God created the unfinished human who, within his heart and mind, had the capacity to do all these things and more, depending upon his own choice.

Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results. All that we are and all that we can become has indeed been left unto us. For as long as you continue to draw breath, you have the chance to complete the work in and for the earth and for yourself that God has begun for you. In the cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything!

So let's begin our discussion of the four seasons. I'll start by making two comments. First, life and business are like the changing seasons. That's one of the best ways to illustrate life: it's like the seasons that change. Second, you cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Now with those two key phrases in mind, let's look at what I consider to be the first major lesson in life to learn, and that is how to handle the winters. They come regularly, right after autumn. Some are long, some are short, some are difficult, some are easy, but they always come right after autumn. That is never going to change.

There are all kinds of winters - the "winter" when you can't figure it out, the "winter" when everything seems to go haywire. There are economic winters, social winters and personal winters.

Wintertime can bring disappointment, and disappointment is common to all of us. So you must learn how to handle the winters. You must learn how to handle difficulty; it always comes after opportunity. You must learn to handle recessions; they come right after expansions. That isn't going to change.

The big question is what do you do about winters? You can't get rid of January simply by tearing it off the calendar. But here is what you can do: you can get stronger; you can get wiser; and you can get better. Remember that trio of words: stronger, wiser, better. The winters won't change, but you can.

Before I understood this, I used to wish it were summer when it was winter. When things were difficult, I used to wish they were easy. I didn't know any better. Then Mr. Shoaff gave me the answer from a part of his very unique philosophy when he said, "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom."

Next is spring. Fortunately, following the turbulence of winter comes the season of activity and opportunity called springtime. It is the season for entering the fertile fields of life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined effort.

However, the mere arrival of spring is no sign that things are going to look good in the fall. You must do something with the spring. In fact, everyone has to get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall. Take advantage of the day and the opportunities that spring can bring.

It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we also reap. Faith further provides to us an irrevocable law decreed in heaven which assures that for every disciplined human effort we will receive a multiple reward. For each cup planted, a bushel reaped, for every good idea given to another, many shall be given to us in return. For every demonstrated act of faith, a multiplicity of the rewards; and for every act of love given, a life of love in return.

Just remember it is a natural characteristic of springtime to present itself ever so briefly, or to lull us into inactivity with its bounteous beauty. Do not pause too long to soak in the aroma of the blossoming flowers, lest you awaken to find springtime gone with your seed still in your sack.

With the intelligence, wisdom, and freedom of choice given to us as humans exercise the discipline to plant in spite of the rocks, weeds, or other obstacles before us. The rocks, weeds, and thorns of the world cannot destroy all your seeds if you plant massively enough and intelligently enough. My suggestion is to choose action, not rest. Choose truth, not fantasy. Choose a smile, not a frown. Choose love, not animosity. Choose the good in life in all things, and choose the opportunity as well as the chance to work when springtime smiles on your life.

Spring shows us that life is truly a constant beginning, a constant opportunity, a constant springtime. We need only to learn to look once again at life as we did as children, letting fascination and curiosity give us welcome cause to look for the miraculous hidden among the common.

Get busy quickly on your springs, your opportunities. There are just a handful of springs that have been handed to each of us. Life is brief, even at its longest. Whatever you are going to do with your life, get at it. Don't just let the seasons pass by.

The third major lesson in life to learn; how to nourish and protect your crops all summer. Sure enough, as soon as you've planted, the busy bugs and noxious weeds are out to take things over. Here is the next bit of truth: they will take it, unless you prevent it.

There are two key phrases to consider with the third major lesson. The first is "all good will be attacked." Don't press me for a reason. I was not in on some of the early decisions, so I don't know why. I just know that it's true. Let reality be your best beginning. Every garden will be invaded.

The second phrase is "all values must be defended." Social values, political values, friendship values, business values - all must be defended. Every garden must be tended all summer. If you don't develop this skill, you'll never wind up with anything of value.

But for those who make diligent efforts to plant, protect, and preserve there are not enough birds, bugs, or other obstacles to destroy all the efforts of last spring.

Now, the fourth and season is fall, the time of harvesting the fruits of our springtime labor. Fall also presents us with our fourth major lesson to learn in life, and that is to learn how to reap in the fall without apology if you have done well and without complaint if you have not.

For nothing is more exciting than a bounteous crop, and nothing more dreadful than a barren field in the fall. We must remember that in all areas of the human existence, what we put into this world, we get back from it. It is nature's way of evening the score. So regardless of the results, take full responsibility for your crop. One of the highest forms of human maturity is accepting full responsibility for our lives.

Which brings me back to the beginning of our discussion. We must remember that life is constantly recycling itself. Much of life is about the balancing of two opposites; like the positive and negative charge on a battery. Life's balancing of opposites totally surrounds our lives; man/woman, day/night, good/evil, life/death, water/land, summer/winter, recession/expansion, joy/sorrow, etc.

Yes, I believe we will have major changes, but I also believe we will continue to have just one winter, spring, summer and fall each year. Much of our success will lie in our ability and philosophy to plant in the springtime of opportunity. To weed and cultivate in the testing time of summer, to harvest without apology and/or complaint in the season of fall and to get stronger, wiser, better in the transition and learning times of winter.

Remember it is not what happens to you that determines your future; it is what you do about it.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

To learn more about Jim Rohn's products or services click here.

What are you waiting for?

We are always in a position to do something or we can decide to do nothing....The choice is ours.  I've heard it said that the average American dies at the age of 40, they're just not buried until the age of 80.  Many people simply stop dreaming when their dreams seem to slip away due to age, health condition, etc.  Agreeably, some dreams and goals may be physically impossible in some sense or another but some are not.  Let's be about pursuing those dreams that are still possible regardless of what age you are today.  Many of the most notable successes in history didn't realize their dreams until later in life.  Think of the following dreamers who continued the pursuit of their dreams

Colonel Sanders didn't start KFC until age 68

George Burns won his first Oscar at 80

Golda Meir was 71 when she became prime minister of Israel

Grandma Moses began painting at 80, 25% of her works were done after she turned 100

Albert Schweitzer was still performing operations in his African hospital at 89

Doc Counsilman, at 58, became the oldest person to swim the English Channel

It's a challenge to succeed

In these challenging times I came across one of the gems of wisdom from Jim Rohn.  I thought I'd share it with you to hopefully help you and me keep things in perspective as we keep pressing through the difficulties and challenges of becoming everything we'd like to be, doing all we'd like to do and having all the things in life we'd like to have.  Enjoy!

It is a challenge to succeed. If it were not, I'm sure more people would be successful, but for every person who is enjoying the fruit from the tree of success, many more are examining the roots. They are trying to figure it all out. They are mystified and perplexed by what seems to be some strange, complex and elusive secret that must be found if ever success is to be enjoyed. While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily engaged in designing and enjoying a fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them. While the much larger group sits in awe at how life can be so unfair, complicated and unjust.

"I am a nice person," the man says to himself. "How come this other guy is happy and prosperous and I'm always struggling?" He asks himself, "I am a good husband, a good father and a good worker. How come nothing seems to work out for me? Life just isn't fair. I'm even smarter and willing to work harder than some of these other people who just seem to have everything going their way," he says as he slumps into the sofa to watch another evening of television. But you see you've got to be more than a good person and a good worker. You've got to become a good planner, and a good dreamer. You've got to see the future finished in advance.

You've got to put in the long hours and put up with the setbacks and the disappointments. You've got to learn to enjoy the process of disciplines and of putting yourself through the paces of doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. You've got to be prepared and willing to attack the challenges if you want the success because challenges are part of success. Now that may sound like a full menu of activities, but let me assure you that the process of going from average to fortune isn't really all that difficult. Thinking about it is the difficult part.  Anticipating all the effort and the changes and the disciplines is far worse in the mind than in reality. I can promise you that the challenges you'll meet on the road to success are far less difficult to deal with than the struggles and the disappointments that come from being average. Confronting and overcoming challenges is an exhilarating experience. It does something to feed the soul and the mind. It makes you more than you were before. It strengthens the mental muscles and enables you to become better prepared for the next challenge.

I've often said that to have more, we must first become more, and to become more, we must begin the process of working harder on ourselves than we do on anything else. But in addition to gathering new knowledge, new skills and new experiences; it is also important to discover new emotions. It is how we feel about what we know that makes the biggest difference in how our lives turn out. How we feel about the chances we have and the choices we have determines the intensity of our effort. Whether we try or don't try. Join or don't join. Believe or don't believe.

I'd like for you to discover some strong feelings about your life and about what you want to do with that life. You probably have much of the knowledge and a lot of the experience and perhaps most of the skills that it takes to become successful. What you may be lacking in are the strong feelings about what you want and what you want to do. You may be one of those who have become so involved in the process of earning a living that you've forgotten about the choices and the chances you have for designing your own life.

Let these strong feelings help you take a second look at your life and where you're headed. After all, you've only got one life, at least on this planet. So why not make it an adventure in achievement? Why not discover what all you can do and what all you can have? Why not discover how many others you can help and in the process how that can help you?

Why not now take the Challenge to Succeed!

Healthy Travel Tips

Planning ahead means no surprises -- you are in control.

Be confident of your decision to take care of yourself.

I recently received these helpful tips and reminders and I thought they were useful in helping me keep my focus on maintaining my health.  I hope you enjoy them as well.


  • Plan ahead. Be prepared. Be intentional.
  • Go out to a restaurant without hesitation, because you’re not on a diet.
  • If possible, choose a restaurant where you know you will have healthy options. In fact, the nicer the restaurant, the easier it is to get a healthy meal.
  • Ask server to not bring bread to the table.
  • Push tortilla chips to side, or as with bread, ask server to not bring them.
  • Consider splitting your meal with someone. Most restaurants serve enough to feed two or three people with each entrée.
  • Put half of your meal in a to-go box right away (people will follow your example later, just watch).
  • Salad bars: use salsa, low fat cottage cheese for dressing, oil & vinegar or balsamic vinaigrette. Stay away from croutons!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions. E.g., instead of potatoes, ask for steamed broccoli.
  • Choose meats that are baked or grilled. Stay away from breaded and deep fried.
  • Decline desserts or choose healthy option, if available; or bring along a Peanut Butter Crunch bar for dessert.


  • Remember: Family will respect that you are taking care of yourself.
  • When they say, "Oh why don't you try some", you say, "It looks great, but I'm good, thank you."
  • Load plate with vegetables: great source of carbs. Pass the rolls and bread to next person and let them put it on their waist.
  • Fill plate only once.
  • Drink a glass of water -- helps fill you up.
  • The body fills "full" up to 15 minutes + last bite.
  • Portion sizes should equal veggies + fruit = 2 fists.
  • Protein should be the size of your palm


  • Again, be prepared and plan ahead. While on the road, shop at grocery stores instead of fast-food restaurants. You’ll have many more choices for low-glycemic snacks and meals.
  • On a flight, choose vegetable juice and skip the airline snacks, unless they’re offering fruit.
  • Better yet, bring your own snacks: almonds, apple, etc.
  • Take along a blender bottle with a nutritional shake mix and nutrition bars. You’ll save money on the road and ensure good health.
  • Sandwiches: take away 1/2 bread – order lean meats like chicken or turkey (or drink a nutritional shake).
  • Salads -- oil vinegar/ balsamic vinaigrette, salsa. Again, don’t add the croutons.
  • Meals: immediately cut 1/2 and get rest to go. Nothing deep fried.


  • Goal: Keep moving and be consistent!
  • The medical literature shows that aerobic exercise significantly improves insulin resistance.
  • The small capillaries start to dilate, vessel walls become thinner and insulin is able to pass through arteries more easily. 
  • Glucose transportation within the muscle cell improves so more of the calories are used instead of stored as fat.
  • Allows you to become much more sensitive to your own insulin and help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Lowers risk of diabetes, heart disease and myriad other health problems.
  • Don’t forget to breathe, both while exercising and at all times.
  • Exhale = exertion
  • Inhale = recovery
  • When we’re under stress, we tend to take shallow breaths from our lungs; try breathing deeply from your diaphragm… in through the nose, out through the mouth.
  • Proper breathing improves the effectiveness of aerobic exercise (even anaerobic exercise, for that matter).

Plan it: if you’re with family or on business put EXERCISE UP FRONT – “Hey, I need to go for a 30-minute walk. When would be good time?” They will respect that BECAUSE they wish they had your conviction (plus you’ll be less stressed because you have endorphins working for you – which give you a natural high). 

  • Exercise target: 30-45 minutes/day, 5 times a week. This may take time to build up to this.
  • Balance: aerobic, stretching and resistance.
  • If you’re just getting started, wear a pedometer and start with 3,000 steps per day, building up to 10,000 steps per day.


  • Remember: the goal is get the body to start releasing fat naturally.
  • It’s not about calories in, calories out; it’s about eating low-glycemic.
  • Eat low Glycemic Index foods around 80% of time, 5 times a day. You'll feel full and eat less.
  • Lifestyle changes take time.
  • Honesty and effort are better than perfection.